Monday, 2 May 2016

PAW's Recipe of the Month May 2016 - BBQ Chicken

It has always been a puzzlement to me how suddenly I have an inspiration or thought for no reason at all - whether it is the sight of some particular food or something that needs using up – dishes are created and served and tickle the palate. Where you get your inspiration I am sure must cause amusement. Perhaps - thumbing through a magazine – watching a TV programme or even a conversation with a friend. One thing for sure is that you don’t have to confess how you have created your offering. I always find it strange when someone asks for ‘the recipe’ Many times I have created on a whim rather than following a recipe so the written word is unavailable.

The other source of inspiration can be the acquisition of a new gadget. The accompanying recipe book can often add a few more dishes to the repertoire. Indeed looking back over my old recipes from when I was doing Cookery Schools in Country Houses I came across this month’s. Boy I did have some trouble when I prepared it. The confession of the ingredients caused concern - but the result triumphant and certainly did not tell the tale of its ingredients. So if you can be shameless – give it a go and don’t forget “you don’t have to confess”

BBQ Chicken (6)

12 x Boneless Chicken Thighs (2 per person)
1 Large Onion – peeled and chopped
1 Clove Garlic – chopped
4 Sticks of Celery – chopped
Knob of Butter – Olive Oil
1 Small Bottle of Tomato Ketchup
1 Bay Leaf
1 tsp Dried Thyme
½ tsp Allspice
3 Tbs Worcester Sauce
1 tbs Vinegar
3 ozs Dark Brown Sugar

Fry the Chicken in a little Butter and Oil till golden on both sides – set aside.
Sweat off Onions, Garlic, Celery without colour.
Add all other ingredients and mix.
Put Chicken into an ovenproof dish with a lid and pour over the Sauce.
Place into a medium oven about 180C for about 1 hour and serve with Steamed Rice or Potatoes

This can improve if made a day in advance.

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