Wednesday, 30 May 2018

PAW's Recipe of the Month June 2018 - Strawberry Salad with Caerphilly Cheese

We had an interesting conversation over supper the other evening when I produced an accompaniment to the meat dish of the evening. What’s that? I replied its Couscous.
I don’t like Couscous – oh dear. I had met a similar comment when I produces a Watermelon, Fresh Mint and Feta Salad on another occasion. Second and third helpings were consumed on both counts. It ever amazes me that the blinkered view of food preparation is that there is only one way to serve something – like it or not. However, with a little imagination new flavours can compliment a staple ingredient and make it really palatable (even Yummy – our latest phrase inhouse!)

The staples that are familiar of North Africa and parts of the Mediterranean recall Couscous and Bulger Wheat but what’s the difference.

Bulgur is considered a whole grain. Another name for bulgur is wheat groats. (Groats is a general term for hulled grains, including oat, rye and barley as well as wheat.) Made of durum (hard) wheat, bulgur is cracked and partially cooked before packaging.

Unlike Bulgur, Couscous is not whole grain. Rather, couscous comes from husked and crushed wheat called semolinaCouscous was originally made from millet, not wheat. Technically the term covers small, round pellets made from other grains too, and even rice, corn or black-eyed peas.

That’s the simple explanation – so hope you now know. The cooking therefore is slightly different though Couscous is simpler and easier. What you must consider however is that like Rice and Potatoes they must be consumed with something to add flavour and interest.

Strawberry Salad with Caerphilly Cheese - Serves 4
6 ozs Couscous – soaked and prepared
1 lemon, finely grated zest only
8ozs Asparagus Short Sticks cut into 1inch lengths
1 tbsp Olive Oil for the salad
3 tbsp Olive Oil for the dressing
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tsp caster sugar
8ozs Caerphilly Cheese – crumbles on cubed
1 Bag Watercress
1 punnet Mustad & Cress
2 tbsp fresh mint lightly chopped
9 ozs Punnet hulled and halved
1.    Place the Couscous in a bowl and cover with boiling water and allow to soak and cool Once cool toss with lemon zest and 1 tbsp of Olive Oil.
2.    Blanch the asparagus in boiling water for 2 minutes, drain, refresh under cold water then add to the Couscous. Add the cheese and mix everything well to combine.
3.    Make the dressing by combining the Balsamic Vinegar, 3 tbsp Olive Oil and Caster Sugar
4.    Arrange the watercress over a serving platter. Scatter the cress and chopped Mint Leaves on top, then add the Couscous mixture along with the strawberries.
Drizzle over the salad and toss just before serving.

Thursday, 10 May 2018

PAW's Recipe of the Month May 2018 - Summer Potatoes

It is interesting often for myself how and when I find the inspiration for each month’s recipe. Sometimes a trip to the Supermarket or a Restaurant. Other times reading a journal or simply looking in the fridge or store cupboards to see what there is to use.

This time of year, of course one can be influenced by the weather and the promise of Alfresco dining and of course cooking in the garden. Then the debate of Charcoal or Gas.
That debate I will leave to your esteemed volunteer as to which is preferred. I use both Gas for convenience and charcoal when large quantities are required – I even have electric cooking pans for outside cooking. So, whilst trays of prepared foods are handed to said volunteer to display their culinary prowess in the garden somebody must create accompaniments. Often hunger stoppers whilst the cooking takes place. Isn’t it always a wonder how it all takes much longer than advised!! Charcoal really does take at least 30 – 45 mins before it is ready for action.

I recently hosted a dinner party in the garden for a local group. I wondered how to serve the potatoes and have subsequently decided to share some different ways to serve potatoes.

I would suggest using a salad potato like Charlotte or Anya but baby potatoes can be fine but do try and cook them before they explode.

Basic Potato Salad: Cut Potatoes into edible pieces and boil till cooked. Drain and add a good vinaigrette (homemade or bought) turn over so that the vinaigrette is absorbed by the warm potatoes and leave to cool. Then add Mayonnaise and finely chopped Onions, Chives or Spring Onions and serve.

Luxury Potato Salad (warm) Chop bacon and fry till crispy. Have hard boiled Eggs, shell and chop roughly. Add chopped Spring Onions and a slug of Vinaigrette. Put all these ingredients into a large bowl with Mayonnaise. Cut Potatoes into edible pieces and boil till cooked. Drain and then add to bowl and mix -  then serve whilst still warm. Lovely with a Roasted Gammon.

Other Ideas
Prepare potatoes (I usually keep skins on) Boil till cooked. I try and catch them before fully cooked. Drain and whilst still hot I dress them with.
1)   Green Pesto – 2) Red Pesto

You could make a rich Tomato Sauce and coat the potatoes and finish in the oven till golden.

Roast the potatoes and when cooked toss in Marmite or Vegemite.

Guess that should give you some ideas -